Birth Chart Package

Winter Sale
40% Off
Birth Chart Package
Through January 31, 2022
A 100+ Page Package Includes:
- Personal Birth Chart Reports
- Companion Workbook
- Introductory Astrology Course
Type In: Winter Sale in the
Coupon Code box on the order form.
To place your order, complete and submit the Birth Data Form below. To reduce the potential for data errors and assure the accuracy of your Birth Chart Report, you will be asked to confirm each field in the Form. After completing the Form and clicking the “Submit” button, you are automatically taken to the PayPal portal to make your payment and complete your order. (You will have an opportunity to cancel out of the payment process on the PayPal page and return to this Website if needed.) After processing your payment, you will be taken back to the Website and receive an email confirmation of your order.
NOTE: In addition to the security measures outlined in our Privacy Policy to protect your personal information, you are STRONGLY encouraged to use an alias for the “Name” you enter on the Birth Data Form, such as a nickname, initials, a fictional character, etc. (The “Name” is only used for internal purposes to label your Report and locate your order.)
Please use the following format for entering your birth data:
DATE: Example: June 10, 1975
TIME: Example: 3:45 pm
CITY: If you were born in a small town, please also include the name of the nearest large city.
Birth Data Form
Birth Chart Package

Through January 31, 2022
Winter Sale
40% Off
Birth Chart Package
The 100+ Page Package Includes:
- Personal Birth Chart Reports
- Companion Workbook
- Introductory Astrology Course
Type in: Winter Sale in the Coupon Code box on the order form.
To place your order, complete and submit the Birth Data Form below. To reduce the potential for data errors and assure the accuracy of your Birth Chart Report, you will be asked to confirm each field in the Form. After completing the Form and clicking the “Submit” button, you are automatically taken to the PayPal portal to make your payment and complete your order. (You will have an opportunity to cancel out of the payment process on the PayPal page and return to this Website if needed.) After processing your payment, you will be taken back to the Website and receive an email confirmation of your order.
NOTE: In addition to the security measures outlined in our Privacy Policy to protect your personal information, you are STRONGLY encouraged to use an alias for the “Name” you enter on the Birth Data Form, such as a nickname, initials, a fictional character, etc. (The “Name” is only used for internal purposes to label your Report and locate your order.)
Please use the following format for entering your birth data:
DATE: Example: June 10, 1975
TIME: Example: 3:45 pm
CITY: If you were born in a small town, please also include the name of the nearest large city.
Birth Data Form