Beyond Traditional Birth Chart Analysis
A Guide to Merging Your
Instinctive and Learned Nature
for a Holistic View
of What Makes You, YOU
Astrology & You
Wouldn’t it be great if we each came with an owner’s manual? Discovering the raw materials you were born with by exploring your astrological Birth Chart is a direct and insightful way to begin understanding what makes you, YOU.
What is a Birth Chart?
A Birth Chart (also referred to as a “Natal” Chart) is a snapshot of the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets in the celestial sphere at the moment of your birth. The astrological sign, position, and angular relationship between them as viewed from the place on Earth you were born form a distinct set of identity patterns with a direction and purpose. These raw materials characterizing your instinctive nature represent a blueprint of who you are and can potentially become.

The celestial sphere is an imaginary hollow globe that encloses the Earth within a canopy of stars.
What Your Birth Chart Can Tell You
Your Birth Chart can provide insight into:
- your traits and natural interests and talents
- your intrinsic emotional, mental, intellectual, and psychological nature
your inner drive and capacity for change and growth
- areas of inexperience and expertise
- areas of vulnerability and strength
These elements combine to characterize personality and security patterns and the internal and external experiences they generate that shape your character and influence your choices, potential, and life circumstances.
Merging Nature and Nurture

Equally as important as your instinctive nature in the shaping of your personality and potential is your learned nature. Representing the nurture side of the personality, your learned nature refers to the impact external influences have on your instinctive nature. In other words, to what extent do familial, cultural, and societal beliefs, traditions, and norms positively/negatively influence your innate perceptions about yourself and the world.

The unfortunate truth is that at some time and degree we’ve all bought into someone else’s version of who we are and what we should think, do, and be. Passively adopting the beliefs, values, and expectations of others as part of our personal story in the extreme can leave us unrecognizable to ourselves. Paved with fragmented imitations of the self, these detours on the path toward autonomy can often explain why undesirable people and circumstances keep “showing up” in our life. And wouldn’t it be great to be rid of them!

An essential step in becoming an authentic, self-directed individual is exploring the validity and ownership of your beliefs, values, and expectations. The bumps along the way to discerning what belongs to you versus others fondly represent “life lessons” ever nudging you toward an elevated state of self-awareness and a sense of wholeness. The information and techniques offered in your personal Birth Chart Package guide you in identifying and refining elements of BOTH your instinctive and learned perceptions reflective of this ideal.

Ultimately, the process of awakening your internal compass fosters self-acceptance and trust in yourself to recognize your value and boldly follow your true north. This confidence in turn enhances your ability to make conscious choices that support and not sabotage your intentions and well-being. Developing a grounded relationship with yourself by living according to your truth and authority is the road less traveled yet remains the shortest route to achieving inner peace, security, and creating a life you desire and deserve.
Beyond Traditional Birth Chart Analysis
A Personal Guide to Merging Your Instinctive and Learned Nature for a Holistic View of What Makes You, YOU
Astrology & You
Wouldn’t it be great if we each came with an owner’s manual? Discovering the raw materials you were born with by exploring your astrological Birth Chart is a direct and insightful way to begin understanding what makes you, YOU.
What is a Birth Chart?
A Birth Chart (also referred to as a “Natal” Chart) is a snapshot of the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets in the celestial sphere at the moment of your birth. The astrological sign, position, and angular relationship between them as viewed from the place on Earth you were born form a distinct set of identity patterns with a direction and purpose. These raw materials characterizing your instinctive nature represent a blueprint of who you are and can potentially become.

The celestial sphere is an imaginary hollow globe that encloses the Earth within a canopy of stars.
What Your Birth Chart Can Tell You
Your Birth Chart can provide insight into:
- your traits and natural interests and talents
- your intrinsic emotional, mental, intellectual, and psychological nature
- your inner drive and capacity for change and growth
- areas of inexperience and expertise
- areas of vulnerability and strength
These elements combine to characterize personality and security patterns and the internal and external experiences they generate that shape your character and influence your choices, potential, and life circumstances.
Merging Nature and Nurture

Equally as important as your instinctive nature in the shaping of your personality and potential is your learned nature. Representing the nurture side of the personality, your learned nature refers to the impact external influences have on your instinctive nature. In other words, to what extent do familial, cultural, and societal beliefs, traditions, and norms positively/negatively influence your innate perceptions about yourself and the world.

The unfortunate truth is that at some time and degree we’ve all bought into someone else’s version of who we are and what we should think, do, and be. Passively adopting the beliefs and expectations of others as part of our personal story in the extreme can leave us unrecognizable to ourselves. Paved with fragmented imitations of the self, these detours on the path toward autonomy can often explain why undesirable people and circumstances keep “showing up” in our life. And wouldn’t it be great to be rid of them!

An essential step in becoming an authentic, self-directed individual is exploring the validity and ownership of your beliefs, values, and expectations. The bumps along the way to discerning what belongs to you versus others fondly represent “life lessons” ever nudging you toward an elevated state of self-awareness and a sense of wholeness. The information and techniques offered in your personal Birth Chart Package guide you in identifying and refining elements of BOTH your instinctive and learned perceptions reflective of this ideal.

Ultimately, the process of awakening your internal compass fosters self-acceptance and trust in yourself to recognize your value and boldly follow your true north. This confidence in turn enhances your ability to make conscious choices that support and not sabotage your intentions and well-being. Developing a grounded relationship with yourself by living according to your truth and authority is the road less traveled yet remains the shortest route to achieving inner peace, security, and creating a life you desire and deserve.